i love ff6
cuz its dah only game where dah badguy does wat he wants destroy dah world go kefka!!!!
i love ff6
cuz its dah only game where dah badguy does wat he wants destroy dah world go kefka!!!!
Yeah but at least he still eventually gets his... the world cant have crazy devilish clown angels running it.
like it
this song is so mystical it gave alot of emotion to dah rock guy in majoras mask, u killed it with dah jingle in dah end doh
nice remix
dis is dah only good remix ive heard of dis song
(gunshot) run its war!!!!
(explosions) johnny no!!! (grenade) my leg!!!!! (rocket launcher) x|
our regards to mj
mj did not rape kids lol it wasnt proven, nd if i was 7 years old i would say i got raped for 10,000 dollars 2 lol
what!! a zelda remix!!!
about time man!!! ur dah only person dat i know dat has done this :), i honor ur musik skills ( nice bass)
nice!!! :)
it like an awsome happy dance festival in my head nice job man!!
Joined on 8/29/09